(Re)building team trust and collaboration
“There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about. Trust that meaningful conversations can change your world. Rely on human goodness. Stay together.” — Meg Wheatley
The Power of Team Learning
Humans are born to learn – and we never stop. One of the most immensely satisfying and inspiring experiences for groups and individuals is the DUH-HAH! moment – a paradoxical combination of profound new insight (the “ahah”) with a sense of already knowing at a deep level the truth of what has been revealed (the “duh”).
Such moments can wake us from a fog of confusion, doubt, or fear and offer a sense of understanding, confidence, and even appreciation for the complex dilemmas we are facing. When a group collectively makes a breakthrough like this, powerful energy is liberated for moving forward positively.
I have spent 40 years offering workshops in which learners enjoy the creativity, dynamism, clarity, humor, and practicality of their learning. Participants keep coming back as new topics become available and their needs change.One great gift of team learning is that the diversity within the group offers a rich and provocative opportunity for people to expand their world view and develop trust and cooperation across lines of difference.
We are fortunate to be living in a time when so many useful models for understanding the complexities of human life are being developed and tested. And yet, so much of what is known hasn’t found its way into common practice, where it can help us work better together in pursuit of our worthy common goals.
CourageWork learning sessions bring out with clarity, focus, humor, and relevance the best of this wisdom in formats that learners of all styles can understand. In each learning workshop, participants actively engage in making personal sense of new ideas explored and how they can apply the learning to their lives at home and at work.

Yarrow brings compassion, truth telling and accountability to everything she does. My work involves connecting our University with our wider communities to pursue equity and impact. I’ve particularly appreciated Yarrow’s guidance regarding the many polarities I need to recognize and navigate in pursuing this work.
Format and Logistics
Each workshop is custom-designed to fit the needs of the group. Content, length and number of sessions, balance of theory and practicality, size of group – all are determined in joint consultation with the client.
Typical groups that have benefitted from learning workshops include:
- leadership teams in organizations (from 2 to 200 people)
- staffs of organizations or schools in transition, conflict, or that just want to keep growing
- new supervisors, managers, or directors
- leaders whose scope of responsibility has shifted
- people (office managers, social workers, health care providers, public servants, parents) whose roles put them in contact with others under challenging circumstances
Contact me if a learning breakthrough in these areas could help you, your team or organization.
Let's Chat!
I look forward to talking in person about how the support and challenge of my coaching or group facilitation can help you and your organization thrive in new and surprising ways.